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A family care clinic in a small Missouri town called Blue Springs Family Care was recently hit with a ransomware attack. This attack lead to the clinic hiring a forensic investigator firm to decipher the effects of the attack, but what they found was that their operating system was highly infected with various malware softwares.

According to the investigation, the security researchers found indications that unauthorized persons had compromised the Blue Springs computer systems and loaded a variety of malware programs, including the encryption program responsible for the ransomware attack. Although it’s not uncommon to find other issues associated with a ransomware attack when conducting the investigation, but in this case, the cybercriminals had full control of all their operating systems due to the widespread of infections found.

In addition to hiring a forensic investigation firm, we can expect data breach attorneys and PR consultants to be hired, all billing at an hourly rate. Depending on their findings, notification and credit monitoring costs could follow. Lastly, if medical records were exposed, then a complete security risk assessment may be conducted by the Office of Civil Rights under the federal HIPAA legislation, which can result in Blue Springs being added to HIPAA’s Wall of Shame (data breaches that have affected more than 500 individuals).

Had Blue Springs been protected with a cyber insurance policy, it’s likely that they would be covered for these expenses.

Evolve MGA offers cyber insurance that covers policyholders in the event their cloud data is hacked, lost, or stolen. Get appointed with our cyber insurance specialists for a FREE Quote!

If you’d like to read more about this data breach, click here.

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